
14 Reasons Yorkies Are Not The Friendly Dogs Everyone Says They Are

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are often regarded as delightful and friendly companions. Their charming appearance and small size contribute to their popularity as family pets. However, like any breed, individual personalities can vary, and not every Yorkie fits the stereotype of the overly friendly lap dog. In this article, we’ll explore 14 reasons why some Yorkies may not be as friendly as the general perception suggests.

Territorial Instincts: Yorkies can be fiercely protective of their territory and may exhibit unfriendly behavior towards perceived intruders.

Fearful Nature: Some Yorkies are naturally timid or fearful, which can make them reserved or wary around strangers.

Independent Spirit: Yorkies have a streak of independence, and certain individuals may prefer solitude over constant socialization.

Selective Socialization: Yorkies may be selective in their social interactions, choosing to bond closely with a few individuals rather than being overly friendly with everyone.

Dominance Issues: Yorkies are known for their confident demeanor, and some may display dominant behavior, especially if not properly trained.

Past Trauma: Dogs, including Yorkies, can be affected by past traumatic experiences, leading to fear-based aggression or reserved behavior.

Health Concerns: Illness or discomfort can impact a Yorkie’s demeanor, causing them to be less friendly than usual.

Age-Related Changes: Aging can bring about changes in behavior, and some older Yorkies may become less tolerant or sociable.

Lack of Socialization: Inadequate socialization during their early development stages may result in a less friendly disposition towards unfamiliar people or pets.

Guarding Behavior: Yorkies have a natural instinct to guard their belongings, and some may exhibit possessive behavior, especially with toys or food.

Lack of Training: A poorly trained Yorkie may display undesirable behaviors, including unfriendliness, due to a lack of guidance.

Hereditary Factors: Some Yorkies may inherit traits from their lineage that contribute to a less friendly temperament.

Environmental Factors: The environment in which a Yorkie is raised can influence their behavior, with negative surroundings potentially impacting their friendliness.

Communication Style: Yorkies communicate in various ways, including barking and growling, which may be misconstrued as unfriendly when, in fact, they are expressing themselves.


While Yorkies are generally known for their friendly demeanor, it’s crucial to recognize that individual variations exist within the breed. Understanding the reasons behind less-friendly behavior can help Yorkie owners address and manage these traits, fostering a healthier and more positive relationship with their beloved pets. Remember, every dog is unique, and patience, proper training, and love are key elements in nurturing a friendly and well-adjusted Yorkie companion.