
Foods Your Yorkie Should Avoid

If you are the owner of a Yorkshire Terrier, you want him or her to be as safe as possible. Not only that, stomach distress is bothersome for both the dog and you. Seeing your Yorkie uncomfortable is uncomfortable for everyone, and even home cooking can contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs.

With a bit of knowledge, you can be assured that you are feeding your little friend food that will not be harmful.

You probably know that chocolate can be fatal to your small Yorkie. It contains an xanthine compound called theobromine; chocolate that is unsweetened, used for baking, has even more theobromine than the milk chocolate variety. Here are some other foods that should be avoided if you have a Yorkshire Terrier:

Onions, chives, and garlic

Thiosulphate is the toxic culprit in these foods. Onions are worse than garlic; both have the result of toxins building up over time, so repeated amounts are harmful, even if small.


They affect the kidneys of your Yorkie with a substance that is still unknown.

Macadamia Nuts

With an unknown substance that is toxic for dogs, these nuts should be avoided.


Large quantities of broccoli are toxic to dogs.


See Grapes above.


They have can result in intestinal blockage.

Pits of fruit and seeds

Although the fruit is okay, the pits contain a type of cyanide that results in poisoning.


Small bones, especially from a chicken, can split and splinter and cause stomach lacerations; they are also a choking hazard for small dogs.


You may love mushrooms, but they have harmful toxins that can affect dogs and can lead to death as well as liver and kidney problems.

Sugar-free foods

These may contain Xylitol and have caused liver failure in some small dogs.

Fatty foods

Feeding your Yorkie foods that have a high-fat content can lead to the development of problems over time. Do you want your dog to be obese or have diabetes? Because they love food and are adventurous, the Yorkie may find some leftovers that are not healthy for them; you should stop your little friend from eating this type of food.

By doing this, you are giving your dog a better and healthier life.

Milk and dairy

Dogs do not have lactase, the enzyme that breaks down milk, so according to the ASPCA, should not be given dairy products, in order to prevent stomach distress.

Raw or undercooked meat or eggs

These can contain Salmonella and E.coli. Raw eggs contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of vitamin B, necessary for a good coat and skin.

Salt and snacks that are salty

Thirst and excessive urination, as well as sodium poisoning, can be the result of giving your Yorkie too much salt, often found in chips, etc. Vomiting, depression, diarrhea, tremors, elevated body temperature, seizures are signs that the dog has too much salt. Moreover, death can result.


Even food products that contain alcohol as well as beverages can be toxic and can cause a host of problems including vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, decreased coordination, central nervous system depression, tremors, abnormal blood acidity, coma and the possibility of death.

Coconut and coconut oil

According to the SPCA, small amounts may not be harmful, but the oils may cause loose stools, stomach upset or diarrhea. Coconut water has a high potassium content and should not be given to your Yorkie.


Citric acid is found in the stems, leaves, peels, fruit, and seeds of citrus. Large amounts ingested can cause irritation (see also Best Dog Food for Yorkies with Allergies) and possibly depression of the central nervous system. Small amounts of the fruit are not likely to be a problem, although an upset stomach may result.


Aside from the choking hazard of the pit, avocados contain persin, which may cause stomach upset in your Yorkie. They are poisonous to other species of animals.

Yeast dough

The dough can rise in the dog’s digestive system and cause gas to accumulate. Not only is it painful, a bloated stomach can cause a life-threatening emergency. Because of the ethanol, it can also cause the dog to be drunk.


Can cause tremors and seizures with resulting damage to the central nervous system.

Coffee and caffeine

Like chocolate, these contain methylxanthines, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea, excessive thirst and urination, panting, hyperactivity, tremors, abnormal heart rhythm, seizures and even the possibility of death.

Being small dogs, Yorkies should play it safe when it comes to eating foods that can cause stomach distress in larger dogs. This list can be a guide to preventing problems now and in the future, as you want your little furry friend to be as safe and healthy as possible.